Day 3: How did you
discover you were kinky?
Lee - I didn’t actually
become aware that I was kinky until elle and I started playing around in the
bedroom and I don’t even remember how that began. I know she was the one to
broach the subject though and for a while we switched. It didn't take long to
decide what side we needed to be on and we realized that the kinky stuff was
awesome but we wanted more of a lifestyle and not just a bedroom activity. If not for elle, I think this may have
remained buried inside me for a long time and I would still be having the
minimally satisfying, one sided, let more and more time pass between, kind of
sex that I had before. My other relationships just had not be nurturing and
supportive enough to put myself out there in any way. This lifestyle would have
been out of the question.
elle - How did I discover that I am kinky? Well, I don’t really think that one 'discovers' that they are kinky any more than one would 'discover' that they are gay or any other variant of mainstream, sexually or otherwise. Realizing my sexuality, both as a lesbian and a slave were learning processes. It didn't happen in an aha moment, it was more like a trickle out of a leaky faucet. As I mentioned the first time I answered these questions I imagine porn probably made me realize that I was turned on by kinky sex, which lead me down the path to where I am now.
Day 4: Any early
experiences that, in retrospect, hint at your kinks?
Lee - Before being aware
of any kinks, I read some of the Gor series and really got off on the ones that
were focused on the slaves. Some of my own writing involved aspects that could
have been considered on the kinkier side as well. Also, an ex and I played around
with roleplay once or twice in which I took the top role. None of these made it even cross my mind that
maybe there was more out there to discover.
elle - From a young age, I have had kidnapping/abduction and rape fantasies. Usually the assault was by a group of people who would make me do humiliating things or do them to me. When I was in my early 20’s, my then girlfriend and I had, I guess what you would call a rape scene, twice. We were, admittedly high both times. But even though I was not sober I could tell that really enjoyed the way it made me feel. I was fairly sexually promiscuous, with both men and women, from the time I started having sex until I met Lee. To be honest, I quite enjoyed the one night stands (for the most part), even though the sex was usually not the best. I liked feeling slutty and a bit used. I liked the humiliation of having to take the bus/walk home in my bar-star clothes on Easter Sunday morning as church was letting out (true story). With some of my partners some light kink stuff happen during sex, you know, the usual 'beginner' kind of stuff- holding your partner down, dirty talk, some light spanking, a blindfold. None of those experiences were enough to alert me about what my future life would be though.
To be honest I am not, what some would call, a natural submissive. I was a bossy big sister growing up, my own mother told me I was a little drill sergeant. I think that many people who know me would probably think I would be the one in charge since I am a pretty big control freak. I would probably do okay in the dominant role if I were in that position but Master and I have chosen a different path.
Day 5: What was your
first kinky sexual experience? If you
haven’t had one yet, talk about what you hope to have happen.
elle - As for my first kinky experience, I'm going
to presume that the question is referring to the first experience that was had
with the knowledge that what was happening was BDSM. So, for me,
that means the first time Lee and I played. I don’t remember that any more,
which I think is kind of sad in a way. But from reading my 2011 answer I discovered
that I topped Her the first time we played. As an aside though, I texted that tidbit
of info to Master a bit ago and we both agreed that it didn't come as a surprise
that I topped Her the first time given our personalities and the fact that She didn't initiate sexy times very often when we first started dating.