So Lee has told me to write a post about the conversation that we had a few of days ago. We shared our list that I mentioned here as well as re-evaluated our rules, protocols and rituals.
The protocols and rituals didn't really change per se, more just taking out parts that we don't do anyways and making the wording more concise.
The rules have been trimmed once again. i think that the more we get used to our roles the less we need rules. As well, we realized that some of the rules that we had just don't work in real life. For example, in the beginning we had a rule that stated that i was to give Lee oral pleasure every night. After doing that for a while She confessed that She thought that it was making Her less sensitive and therefore less orgasmic (which is not good because She already has problems with not being able to cum very easily). There were other rules that we decided weren't really rules but more just reiterations of our protocols/rituals. There were rules for things that we thought were just plain obvious, like that I had to respect Madam (like i wouldn't do that if there wasn't a rule! Even if we weren't in a D/s relationship i'd still respect Her) and that i have to be open with my thoughts and feelings, those who know me can attest that I have a harder time shutting up than opening up so no need for that rule :). And there were redundant rules like I had to follow all rules. So we went from fifty something in the beginning down to about two dozen and now down to eleven. For a girl who says that they love rules you'd think that I'd be upset by this but i'm not. In fact i'm glad that they have been cleaned up. i'm all for efficiency and really, we haven't changed how we operate and that's the important part.
As for Lee's list, i'll leave it up to her to decide if She wants to post it. i don't feel like i really learned anything new about Her through this assignment (did you hear that? i gave Her an assignment, how many subs can say that about their Dom/me?!?!) but i imagine She'd say the same thing about my list. She wrote two lists actually. The first was things we currently do/toys we currently use that She likes and the second was things She wants to try/new scene ideas. She did come up with some fun sounding scenes that I am very excited to try!!! At the end of our discussion I gave Her a secondary assignment to list Her top three favourite toys that we currently have and top three things to do to me or have me do so that i can get a better idea of what She really likes. We agreed that we'd talk about our top threes next week.
One thing that we both agreed on is for Lee to try to do things that will show Her dominance/control of me while we're apart (more specifically, while She's at work and i'm at home). We talked about Her either texting me through the day or leaving instructions before She leaves for how She wants me to be dressed when She comes home, having me masturbate, some sort of self-inflicted kink (i.e. clothespegs on nipples), etc.
So we'll see how things go in the next little bit.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wedding Photos

But you get the jist of things, right?!?
Rules, Protocols and Rituals
i have finally updated the Rules and Protocols and Rituals pages. Enjoy!!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Random Thoughts of a Sickey
i hate being sick! It started a week ago with a cold then on Wednesday, just as i was recovering from that, i got a what i think is a lower GI bug. The worst part is that I’ve missed three days of work and the local submissive women’s group meeting because of it. Last night i was feeling better, i thought my sickness was on its way out so i asked Lee if we could play tonight but that won’t be happening now cause this morning i woke up and felt awful. i miss playing L. i wish this stupid bug would go away so Lee and i can have some quality time in the bedroom again.
i don’t write about ellie very often here. ellie is my little. She came out yesterday, as she often does when i’m not feeling well, either emotionally or physically. ellie is an older little, about the age of a first or second grade little girl. i think part of the reason that i haven’t really talked about her before is that i don’t really know a lot about her. i do know that she like to colour the princess colouring books, in the lines, of course. She is also very shy in public, which is probably a protective mechanism so that i don’t draw too much attention to myself when little. ellie has no friends, except for a Cabbage Patch doll named Franceine and a stuffed cow named Moo. And of course, her Poppi, which is her name for Lee. i would love to have real friends that ellie could play with but i think part of the problem with that is that i’m not little all the time and never really know when i will be.
Exploring that side of me is something that interest me but i don’t know where to even start. There doesn’t seem to be much information about littles, especially older than toddlers, on Fetlife or the internet in general that isn’t sexual in nature. As far as i know the local scene doesn’t have anything for littles but to be honest i haven’t really looked into it.
Lee and i are going to have another sit down this coming week to discuss our D/s. We do this on a semi-regular basis since we are still fairly new to it. (unbelievably, it’s still been less than a year!) We have both agreed that the current punishment dynamic is not working and the revised rules (that i never did post, sorry!) will need a bit more tweeking if She/we are going to re-examine the punishment aspect. We aren’t going to loose the rules entirely but i think they will become more of a “statement of principles and practices” kind of idea.
That’s it for now, i think i’m going to lay down for a bit.
i don’t write about ellie very often here. ellie is my little. She came out yesterday, as she often does when i’m not feeling well, either emotionally or physically. ellie is an older little, about the age of a first or second grade little girl. i think part of the reason that i haven’t really talked about her before is that i don’t really know a lot about her. i do know that she like to colour the princess colouring books, in the lines, of course. She is also very shy in public, which is probably a protective mechanism so that i don’t draw too much attention to myself when little. ellie has no friends, except for a Cabbage Patch doll named Franceine and a stuffed cow named Moo. And of course, her Poppi, which is her name for Lee. i would love to have real friends that ellie could play with but i think part of the problem with that is that i’m not little all the time and never really know when i will be.
Exploring that side of me is something that interest me but i don’t know where to even start. There doesn’t seem to be much information about littles, especially older than toddlers, on Fetlife or the internet in general that isn’t sexual in nature. As far as i know the local scene doesn’t have anything for littles but to be honest i haven’t really looked into it.
Lee and i are going to have another sit down this coming week to discuss our D/s. We do this on a semi-regular basis since we are still fairly new to it. (unbelievably, it’s still been less than a year!) We have both agreed that the current punishment dynamic is not working and the revised rules (that i never did post, sorry!) will need a bit more tweeking if She/we are going to re-examine the punishment aspect. We aren’t going to loose the rules entirely but i think they will become more of a “statement of principles and practices” kind of idea.
That’s it for now, i think i’m going to lay down for a bit.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
i'm too tired to come up with a jazzy title
We played on Sunday night and OH MY GOODNESS it was wonderful!!!! Madam blindfolded me and i have come to discover that blindfolding me makes me very aware of every touch. Things seem so much more stingier/sharper/thuddier/etc.
i don’t remember all the details but i did see pictures of, i think Madam said it was 12, clothespegs on my inner and outer pussy lips. i do remember being so close to orgasm that i was scared that i would break Madam’s order not to cum if i even moved but not being able to stop my body from grinding against nothing, something, anything!!
The Mother-In-Law arrives tomorrow for a week so imagine that there won’t be much time for play or writing or for Lee to finish editing our wedding pictures… which i really want finished so we can make our scrapbook and/or photo album. And i’m working more this next bit too so i imagine i’ll be too tried to be of much good for anything.
i'm trying desperately to get Lee to post here more often...if you'd like to hear more of Her side of things leave a comment saying as much please ('cause i think She's getting tired of hearing me ask LOL)
i don’t remember all the details but i did see pictures of, i think Madam said it was 12, clothespegs on my inner and outer pussy lips. i do remember being so close to orgasm that i was scared that i would break Madam’s order not to cum if i even moved but not being able to stop my body from grinding against nothing, something, anything!!
The Mother-In-Law arrives tomorrow for a week so imagine that there won’t be much time for play or writing or for Lee to finish editing our wedding pictures… which i really want finished so we can make our scrapbook and/or photo album. And i’m working more this next bit too so i imagine i’ll be too tried to be of much good for anything.
i'm trying desperately to get Lee to post here more often...if you'd like to hear more of Her side of things leave a comment saying as much please ('cause i think She's getting tired of hearing me ask LOL)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The List
A few weeks ago i asked Lee to come up with a list of things that She wants us to either try/try again or do more frequently. A big part of the reason is that i still don’t feel like i know what Her kinks really are, that most of the stuff we do (sexy and/or kinky) is because it has been me going to Her and saying “i would like to try….”. She is working on it, slowly, admittedly it has been very busy for us in the past few weeks so i don’t at all blame Her for not having found the time to finish it yet. i wish She would finish it! i’m dying to know what’s on it! And to start putting that info to good use!
It’s made me think about my “list” too. There have been a few things that i have thought of lately that I’ve never really thought about before. i’m not sure what has caused my brain to think about them more as of late but it has made me curious!! i’ve told Lee that i’m not going to say anything that will influence Her list so i’m not going to say what the activities are at the moment….maybe once She’s got Her list completed.
i was actually thinking that it might be kinda fun to create a kinky/sexy “bucket list” page here. If i’m good at anything, it’s making lists! List making is one of my kinks!! LOL! No, seriously though, i think i love making lists almost as much as i love my cats! And a bucket list is something that will constantly change and evolve, it's a forever list... come to think about it, why haven't i got at least one already?
It’s made me think about my “list” too. There have been a few things that i have thought of lately that I’ve never really thought about before. i’m not sure what has caused my brain to think about them more as of late but it has made me curious!! i’ve told Lee that i’m not going to say anything that will influence Her list so i’m not going to say what the activities are at the moment….maybe once She’s got Her list completed.
i was actually thinking that it might be kinda fun to create a kinky/sexy “bucket list” page here. If i’m good at anything, it’s making lists! List making is one of my kinks!! LOL! No, seriously though, i think i love making lists almost as much as i love my cats! And a bucket list is something that will constantly change and evolve, it's a forever list... come to think about it, why haven't i got at least one already?
Have you got a bucket list, kinky or vanilla? or mixed? What's on it?
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