Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sleep Deprived

I am a terrible sleeper. I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. I rarely wake up feeling rested and usually at some point during the day I hit a wall of utter exhaustion where I just want to close My eyes, and if I do it is very difficult to find the strength to open them again or get up off the couch. If I give in and take a planned half hour nap it turns into two hours where I am still sluggish and groggy; it takes much force to make Myself get up during any of this. I feel I am close to that wall right now. I take pills every night to help, which is not good. The only good thing, they aren't addictive sleep aids. I choose between melatonin pills and a prescribed anti depressant (for sleep). Both seem to help minimally, at best, and long term use of anything just ends up making the issue worse. I don't know what I can do to finally get a good nights sleep every night, but it is affecting our playtime.

Last Friday we were supposed to play, to get into a routine of playing again, but I was so tired that we didn't and still haven't. I was really wanting to just push through and play anyway, but for the safety of My girl obviously I can't do that. It wasn't the first time my tiredness has gotten in the way, but it really upset Me. elle was very good of course, told Me it was all right and held Me in her arms as I cried in frustration. I don't want to get her hopes up by scheduling playtimes only to cancel them, but I don't want a month to go by before we play again either. Maybe tomorrow will be our chance...except elle is possibly having a root canal and I don't imagine that pain will get her going. Hopefully she won't actually need to have it done.

I have been sleep deprived for years. Anyone have any good tricks for falling asleep?  

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