It all started about three months ago. i can't remember why exactly i started looking at websites about BDSM, i was probably horny and looking for porn...
The first time Lee and i played with power exchange, i dommed Her. In our vanilla sex life, She was more of the "top", so to speak, but i did enjoy topping Lee from time to time - even using the strap-on. But i enjoy the feel of Her body crushing into mine, feeling her drive into me with Her fingers or purple cock more.
We played a few times with me domming Her then switched roles back and forth a bit. We both called ourselves switches and said that we were only interested in "playing in the bedroom". It soon became apparent to me that i was more interested in being the submissive partner and that at least i was interested in some sort of non-bedroom play. Looking back at it now, it was a very similar process to coming out as a lesbian - first i told myself that i was bisexual before finally coming out as a lesbian.
We went looking at toys at a few adult toy stores in town to see what was out there but being a single income family meant that store bought toys were out of our price range. We decided to go to a few dollar stores and second hand stores to see what "pervertables" we could find.
Being unemployed gave me the time to search out and read as much as i could find on the subject. The more i read the more i wanted to try. i had always fantasized about being raped so we set up a scenario so that i would end up "being the victim of a date rape". We set-up interrogation scenes (the first one in Lee was the interrogator, the second i was).
It has been about two weeks now since we established the first of our non-bedroom D/s exchanges officially (i had been slowly trying to serve her without it being overtly submissive before that). In the beginning it was just to give Her what we have nicknamed "nightly pleasure" (me going down on her) and to remove my panties for her in a specific way every night (when i wear panties). Lee has also told me how i am to be dressed to greet Her when She gets home from work. Recently, She added flipping a coin (heads - i don't masturbate, tails - i masturbate to orgasm) each morning before she goes to work, nightly over the lap maintenance spankings and that i am to shampoo/wash Her during Her morning shower.
We are currently working on drawing up a set of rules, list of duties/responsibilities for each of us and a (non exhaustive) list of potential punishments both physical and thought provoking.
While many people who are strict about how a D/s relationship is supposed to work would view me as topping from the bottom by being a part coming up with ways i can service Lee and helping Her write our rules, the way we look at it is that She is using my knowledge and research skills to make sure we have everything that we want in our dynamic.
The way i have explained the type of dynamic i want to Lee is that of a parent and child or owner and pet. i want us to love and respect each other. i do not want to walk three paces behind her when we are out nor do i want to kiss, touch or tell her i love her only when explicitly told i can.
i have seen a few people describe/call sub space "little", "little space" or feeling "small". i think that i have both a sub space and a little space. i love love love feeling little.
Lee has taken to calling me Her little girl which i *love* but we hadn't come up with an endearing name for me to call Her by until last night when i suggested Poppi which we both seem to like and are currently "testing it out".
i believe that we are on our way to having a beautiful, passionate, loving 24/7 D/s relationship.
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