Lee and i met on a vanilla dating website. She sent me a message and i almost didn't respond. You see, at the time i was in nursing school and was busy with my homework and such. But in Her profile She seemed friendly and physically looked like She was my type (i'm pretty much exclusively attracted to more andro/butch women) so i thought i'd give Her a chance and boy am i glad i did!! We talked online for 2 weeks before Lee asked me to go on a date. We decided to go for a drink then to a movie. She sent me a message telling me not to take it the wrong way if She didn't talk too much on our date, that She can be quiet when She gets nervous or something like that. i thought "oh great so now i'm going to be responsible for carrying the conversation for the evening, maybe this isn't such a great idea...well it's a good thing we're going to a movie i guess!!!"
i was feeling nervous and excited as Friday approached. She was outside the theatre when i got there, leaning with Her back against the wall looking suave and sexy. We went to a restaurant nearby. i remember trying to come up with some excuse to touch Her. i don't remember what we talked about, probably our cats (we both have multiple cats, we're lesbians, ok??). It doesn't really matter what it was. She carried Her side of the conversation quite well thankfully and time flew by. We went to the movie - Lovely Bones (i remembered Lee, are you proud of Your girl?!?!) and the whole time i spent more energy on wishing She would hold my hand than paying attention to what was going on onscreen. After leaving the theatre we decided that we weren't ready for the night to end so we went to a pub. We talked and talked, again can't tell you what was said but finally at about 2 am we left and started to make our way home.
We walked together (and for a while with a drunk man who was trying to walk to a pub that is probably about a half hour car ride away!!!) to the point where we had to go our separate ways. We stood on the corner on a fairly busy intersection and had our first kiss. Her lips felt like velvet. Her mouth was so warm and inviting. The bars were letting out and taxis were driving by to take the drunk bar-goers home for the night. I can't tell you how many times people yelled out the windows at us but we didn't care. i wanted Her to come home with me so badly but i had promised myself that i wasn't going to do that any more (i have had a history of sex first, relationship second way of doing things that obviously hadn't been working for me). So finally after the most passionate wonderful kissing i have experienced in my life, we parted ways.
The next day She texted me telling me that She had had a great time and thought that i was very cute. We texted for a bit both admitting that we very much liked kissing each other.
We met on Sunday to go for a walk after i finished studying for midterms. We ended up back at my place and in my bed to have the best "first time" sex EVER!!!! I made us chicken noodle soup and herb panini buns and promised that if She came over again i'd cook a real meal for Her.
We met quite a bit in the next few weeks. i was falling in love, we both were. But we were scared to say it so quickly so instead we said we were falling into trouble until one night we were out for a walk by the water when She said it, She told me She loves me.
We moved in together in the middle of March. We found a suite in the same building Her and Her ex-gf were living in. We moved her 2 and my 2 cats in to create our own little blended family.
We began talking about getting married right away (i know, lesbians, right?!?!). It was fast but we just felt so right for each other, we agree on everything for our future. We started looking at engagement rings but i was a student and living on student loans and she works retail so there wasn't an abundance of money. i have never been the type of girl to want some big rock and i am big on reusing/recycling (if you ever come to our home be prepared to drink out of an old salsa/peanut butter/etc jar rather than a proper glass!!) so we decided to go to the pawn shops and look there. One day i when i was getting my hair cut Lee went and bought one of the rings that we had been looking at and hid it. One day we were at home talking about the whole marriage idea and i suggested we just go to city hall on April 22 (our three month anniversary) and get married, that i didn't care about rings or any of that stuff i just wanted to be Her wife. Lee went to her closet, pulled out the ring and proposed then and there. It definitely wasn't the romantic dream proposal that little girls dream about but i didn't/don't care. Our families were less than impressed to say the least. That was a buzzkill for both of us. We have decided to wait on having the wedding until later.
In the summer Lee's mom came for a visit and my dad came in September just before i finished school (i think the visits helped warm them up to the idea of us getting married, or at least i hope they did!!).
As of now, i am unemployed and hoping to find a job soon and Lee is doing her best to support us. We are thinking of getting married in the late spring/early summer. We hope to have a child within a couple of years, for now we're just practicing the conception part lol!!
She holds the key to my heart. I love her to no end!!
i was feeling nervous and excited as Friday approached. She was outside the theatre when i got there, leaning with Her back against the wall looking suave and sexy. We went to a restaurant nearby. i remember trying to come up with some excuse to touch Her. i don't remember what we talked about, probably our cats (we both have multiple cats, we're lesbians, ok??). It doesn't really matter what it was. She carried Her side of the conversation quite well thankfully and time flew by. We went to the movie - Lovely Bones (i remembered Lee, are you proud of Your girl?!?!) and the whole time i spent more energy on wishing She would hold my hand than paying attention to what was going on onscreen. After leaving the theatre we decided that we weren't ready for the night to end so we went to a pub. We talked and talked, again can't tell you what was said but finally at about 2 am we left and started to make our way home.
We walked together (and for a while with a drunk man who was trying to walk to a pub that is probably about a half hour car ride away!!!) to the point where we had to go our separate ways. We stood on the corner on a fairly busy intersection and had our first kiss. Her lips felt like velvet. Her mouth was so warm and inviting. The bars were letting out and taxis were driving by to take the drunk bar-goers home for the night. I can't tell you how many times people yelled out the windows at us but we didn't care. i wanted Her to come home with me so badly but i had promised myself that i wasn't going to do that any more (i have had a history of sex first, relationship second way of doing things that obviously hadn't been working for me). So finally after the most passionate wonderful kissing i have experienced in my life, we parted ways.
The next day She texted me telling me that She had had a great time and thought that i was very cute. We texted for a bit both admitting that we very much liked kissing each other.
We met on Sunday to go for a walk after i finished studying for midterms. We ended up back at my place and in my bed to have the best "first time" sex EVER!!!! I made us chicken noodle soup and herb panini buns and promised that if She came over again i'd cook a real meal for Her.
We met quite a bit in the next few weeks. i was falling in love, we both were. But we were scared to say it so quickly so instead we said we were falling into trouble until one night we were out for a walk by the water when She said it, She told me She loves me.
We moved in together in the middle of March. We found a suite in the same building Her and Her ex-gf were living in. We moved her 2 and my 2 cats in to create our own little blended family.
We began talking about getting married right away (i know, lesbians, right?!?!). It was fast but we just felt so right for each other, we agree on everything for our future. We started looking at engagement rings but i was a student and living on student loans and she works retail so there wasn't an abundance of money. i have never been the type of girl to want some big rock and i am big on reusing/recycling (if you ever come to our home be prepared to drink out of an old salsa/peanut butter/etc jar rather than a proper glass!!) so we decided to go to the pawn shops and look there. One day i when i was getting my hair cut Lee went and bought one of the rings that we had been looking at and hid it. One day we were at home talking about the whole marriage idea and i suggested we just go to city hall on April 22 (our three month anniversary) and get married, that i didn't care about rings or any of that stuff i just wanted to be Her wife. Lee went to her closet, pulled out the ring and proposed then and there. It definitely wasn't the romantic dream proposal that little girls dream about but i didn't/don't care. Our families were less than impressed to say the least. That was a buzzkill for both of us. We have decided to wait on having the wedding until later.
In the summer Lee's mom came for a visit and my dad came in September just before i finished school (i think the visits helped warm them up to the idea of us getting married, or at least i hope they did!!).
As of now, i am unemployed and hoping to find a job soon and Lee is doing her best to support us. We are thinking of getting married in the late spring/early summer. We hope to have a child within a couple of years, for now we're just practicing the conception part lol!!
She holds the key to my heart. I love her to no end!!
Since I called this post our vanilla story i will end it here and post how we got started into D/s another day.
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