Thursday, March 24, 2011

Changes are happening

Lee and i have decided that we need to make some adjustments to the way we have been operating. For the last few days we even paused the D/s part of our relationship, last night was the first time i have worn Her collar since Saturday.

We jumped into 24/7 very quickly without giving ourselves and each other time to adjust to the huge changes that power exchange has on a couple, especially one that had been vanilla to start with. Neither one of us were "naturals" in our roles, as i have mentioned time and time again, so there was/is a steep learning curve involved as well.

Last night we had a really good talk about where to go from here. Lee has been busy the last few days reading and trying to come up with a "game plan" for us. We have decided to take a big step back and really focus building a stronger more stable foundation that we can build on. We are going to concentrate our efforts on things that Lee and i feel are important to our dynamic and toss the stuff that we thought was important in the beginning but turns out means little to nothing to either one of us.

For now we are going to leave the rules that we had posted on this blog up but we are not following them for the most part. In case you care to see what rituals/protocols/rules we have i am going to post an update on that page.

One thing we didn't talk about too much was how me going back to work is going to affect things like chores. When i was at work the last two days Lee did them but i would like to get into a routine of doing them myself more once i get used to working again (holy crap am i not used to it right now lol!!!). Of course i will probably need Her help once in a while but if we’re both working then those responsibilities will fall to me more so.

Getting to kneel before Madam and say my mantra this morning was such an incredible feeling, i have missed it so much and realize now how much i took what She did do for granted. i was so focused on what she/i/we weren't doing the way i wanted that i overlooked what we were doing that i enjoyed. i need to (and am going to work much harder to) keep that in mind when i feel like things aren't 100%. Just because some things aren't perfect doesn't meant that everything is terrible. i am trying to work on that attitude for not only our dynamic but in general as i have a tendency to "throw the baby out with the bath water".

So if you’re interested the update please check it out on the page that has been re-titled Rules, Rituals and Protocols.

Oh and one other thing... We're going to our first play party-Domlander-this weekend! We don't plan on playing, we're just going to see the show, socialize and watch others play. (there's a fashion show and comedic competition before the actual play party) i promise to give a review of how it went ;)

And, as always, please feel free to leave comments, suggestions or questions on this or any other post. And if you like what you read here please follow or subscribe to our blog.

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