i found this picture on the internet and thought it was hot hot hot!! i love the bows on her stockings ;)

Day 10: What are your hard limits?
- Though i have never actually had an experience with insects, they are high on the list. Madam and i saw a photo of someone playing with them on Fetlife recently and i almost started to cry at the thought of that being done to me (i can’t remember what exactly the insect was doing or any details, i think my mind has blocked it out lol!!)
- Anybody/thing that cannot/has not consented, including (willing) minors, animals and play involving people who have not given their OK to be involved in the scene, kinky or vanilla. i have a little inside of me. She is about 8 yrs old. SHE IS NOT SEXUAL. When i am little i have absolutely no desire for sexual intimacies, quite the opposite actually, sex scares little ellie. Sexual age play is a very hard limit.
i would not wear diapers for any reason.
- Scat and vomit. I just don’t get it!!! There is nothing hot about either of those things, they smell bad!! Urine was at one point included but honestly i think that was more Madam than me that wanted it there. She still says no to it being used sexually (She pisses on me to mark me, that’s the extent of our piss play) but if She ever changed that i think i’d be OK with it.
- Purposely drawing blood. Not really sure why… i think it’s another one that’s more Madam’s limit than mine… but since She’s the one to decide play Her limits are mine. It does stain though so I’d hate to have to worry about getting it on stuff.
- Needle play. I don’t think it’s a hard limit for me but not something that i want to try right now so i guess that means that it’s not a hard limit really now does it?!?
- Medical play is one role play i don’t think will ever appeal to me. Being a nurse myself it’s just too similar to work that i think i’d be criticizing the way Madam “played nurse”. That includes enemas.
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